2019 Brewer of the Year
After 3 of 3 competitions in the abbreviated 2019 competition season, cumulative HBOY results are as follows:
Wild Bill Lehfeld – 13 HBOY points
John Fulton – 6 HBOY points
Jeff Spirko – 4 HBOY points
Wild Bill is thus the 2019 Homebrewer of the Year.

2018 Brewer of the Year
For 2018 the cumulative scores are as follows:
Wild Bill – 12 points
Rob Sullivan – 3 points
Larry Sommers – 1 point
Wild Bill is thus B.A.S.H. Homebrewer of the Year for 2018.

2017 Brewer of the Year
Wild Bill Lehfeld is thus B.A.S.H. homebrewer of the year for 2017.

2016 Brewer of the Year
Wild Bill Lehfeld is thus B.A.S.H. homebrewer of the year for 2016.

2015 Brewer of the Year
The competition in November was for Belgian strong ales, 2008 BJCP categories 18A-F. Paul collected three points for his winning Imperial Golden Strong (judges score 146). Sabrina/Andrew Herzig earned two points for their second place dark strong (139). Sean Sutherland’s dubbel came in third with a score of 138, earning one point. Paul’s Golden Strong rounded out the competition with a score of 132. Cumulative results after all six competitions are as follows:
Paul - 9 points
Andrew/Sabrina – 8 points
Daniel Fearn – 4 points
Aggie Bill Hughen – 3 points
Mark Quade – 2 points
Sean Sutherland – 1 point
Paul is thus B.A.S.H. homebrewer of the year for 2015 and will receive the holy B.A.S.H. Cup at the December meeting.

2014 Brewer of the Year
The competition in November was for barleywines, BJCP category 19B/19C. Judge Woerner’s American barleywine captured 1st place, Andrew and Sabrina took 2nd with their English barleywine and Mark Quade’s American barleywine came in 3rd. After all six competitions this year, cumulative scores are as follows:
Wild Bill Lehfeld – 10
Mark Quade - 7
Mark Woerner – 7
Kevin Ramler – 5
Andrew Herzig/Sabrina Krueger -- 2
Cory Mathews/Drew Burkhardt – 1
Chris Edwards – 1
Wild Bill is thus B.A.S.H. Homebrewer of the Year for 2014. He wishes to thank his Mom, your Mom, Luke’s Mom and the members of The Academy.

2013 Brewer of the Year
Mark Woerner has earned the honor as B.A.S.H. Homebrewer of the Year for 2013, amassing 8 1/2 points in club competitions. Paul Holder totaled 6 points, Wild Bill Lehfeld earned 4 1/2, Drew Burkhardt/Cory Mathews scored 4 and Mark Quade tallied two. Said Mark W “Just schedule barleywines and Scotch ales every competition and I’ll win it every year!” Yeah, with the same old recycled brews!
The fiend Woerner earned a 3-point 1st place finish and a 1 ½ point 2nd place tie in April’s extract competition and a 2-point 2nd place finish in October’s American pale ale contest. Rounding out his scoring were a 1-point 2nd place finish in February’s barleywine competition and a 1-point 3rd place in November’s American brown ale contest.
Runner-up Paul collected a 3-point 1st place in November, a 2-point 1st place in February and a 1-point 3rd place in October.
Two time defending champion Wild Bill collected a 2-point 2nd place in November, a 1 ½ point 2nd place tie in April and a 1-point 2nd place finish in August’s European amber lager contest.
The dynamic duo of Drew/Cory collected 3 points for 1st place in October and 1-point as the only entrants in June’s English dark mild competition.
The good Mark earned his 2 points for a 1st place finish in August.
The 2014 competitions are expected to be wide open slugfests, with young punks giving the old fartknockers a run for their money! Stay tuned for the competition schedule.
Congratulations, Mark, and thanks to Competition Directors Kyle Hotz and Cory, their ever-shifting horde of judges and to all who entered beers in the contests.

2012 Brewer of the Year
Congratulations to “Wild” Bill Lehfeld, the 2011 B.A.S.H. Brewer of the Year! Bill followed up his second place finish in 2010 with a coast to coast domination of the competition this year. After passing on the Bock contest in February, Bill posted a clean sweep by winning every other contest. Just to make a point, he also took a 2nd place in August. His domination included wins in Wood Aged Beers, the wide open Extract contest, Specialty Beers, Hefeweizens and Dark Lagers, showing his skill across a wide spectrum of styles. The standings for 2011; Wild Bill - 13, Josh A – 3, Mark W - 1, Wayne – 1, Jason M – 1, and Mark Mc - 1.