The February, 2020 B.A.S.H. meeting was held on Sunday the 9th at the home of Walt and Judy Crawford in King’s Crossing.
El Presidente Mike Wojdyla called the meeting to order, thanked our hosts and welcomed new member Sam Crecelius. Walt reported that the treasury remains in good shape. We’re up to 33 paid members. Vice President of Social Events Mary Kay Schultz announced the February social on Wednesday the 12th with a happy hour at Brewster Street downtown, followed by the TAMUCC men’s basketball game at nearby American Bank Center. We will have a table again at the CC Brewery Festival on Saturday, March 7th. Mike announced that this years’ pro-am brew event at Lazy Beach will take place on Sunday, March 22nd. Jim Hildreth is giving away bags of whole leaf hops.
The competition this month was open to any beer style. The declared style for Homebrewer of the Year was lambic (BJCP 23D). With two competitors, the winning beer receives two HBOY points (doubled if it is of the declared style), 2nd place receives one HBOY point (doubled if of the declared style) and third place and beyond receive no points. Judges scores for the four entries were as follows:
Mark Quade – Weizenbock (BJCP 10C) 36.2/50 – 2 HBOY points
Wild Bill Lehfeld – Munich Dunkel (BJCP 8A) 35.9/50 – 1 HBOY point
Wild Bill Lehfeld – Australian Sparkling Ale (BJCP 12B) 35.4/50 – 0 HBOY points
Wild Bill Lehfeld – Schwarzbier (BJCP 8B) 31.4/50 – 0 HBOY points
Mark Quade’s Weizenbock thus advances to the upcoming Best Of Show round in June.
After 4 of 6 competitions in the 2020 - 2021 competition season, cumulative HBOY results are as follows:
Wild Bill Lehfeld – 13 HBOY points
Mark Quade – 8 HBOY points
Jeff Spirko – 5 HBOY points
John Fulton – 3 HBOY points
William Lee – 0 HBOY points
Kevin Nelson – 0 HBOY points
Mark Woerner – 0 HBOY points
We then enjoyed mild and spicy versions of jambalaya, washed down with the competition beers, Jim Hildreth’s black IPA (December demonstration beer) and Paul Holder’s new hoppy amber ale. Interesting commercial beers included Paul’s Modern Times Mythic Worlds Hazy Galaxy IPA and The Dudes’ CalifornIPA and Mark Woerner’s Southern Star Winter Warmer
Upcoming B.A.S.H. events:
12-Feb-20: B.A.S.H. social (Brewster Street happy hour 5:30/TAMUCC men’s basketball game 7:05 p.m.)
7-Mar-20: 4th Annual CC Brewery Festival (Art Center downtown, 4:00 p.m.)
8-Mar-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (James Fowler, brewing demonstration?)
22-Mar-20: Pro-Am brew session (Lazy Beach Brewery)
19-Apr-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (J.D. Busch, NOTE: 3rd SUNDAY, competition: blonde ale, BJCP 18A/American pale ale, BJCP 18B)
2-May-20: Big Brew (multiple brewing demonstrations)
17-May-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (John Daniels, NOTE: 3RD SUNDAY)
14-Jun-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (Tim Grace/Mary Kay Schultz, competition: High Gravity Challenge > 10% ABV (must provide OG/FG))
12-Jul-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate?, hosted by Paul Holder)
9-Aug-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Extract Challenge, open category >51% extract)
Thanks again Walt and Judy, welcome Sam, congratulations Mark Quade, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you at the February social, CC Brewery Festival and at James Fowler’s!