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B.A.S.H./Lazy Beach Collaboration Beer Tasting

Writer's picture: Bay Area Society of HomebrewersBay Area Society of Homebrewers

The April, 2019 B.A.S.H. meeting was held at Lazy Beach Brewing Company. During the meeting, club members helped Lazy personnel brew 140 gallons of wort. About 13 individuals took home up to 6 gallons each and produced their own individualized beers. Lazy Beach fermented the remaining 75 gallons with US05 yeast, which became their “B.A.S.H. Bitter”.

Eight of the finished B.A.S.H. beers faced off in a tasting at Lazy Beach on Tuesday, June 11. A mixed panel of B.A.S.H. and Lazy Beach tasters sampled each beer and picked a winner. No style guidelines were employed. Lazy Beach plans to brew the winning recipe. Descriptions are as follows:

  1. Jeff Spirko – “Lazy Nugget” ale. Dry hpped with Nugget.

  2. James Fowler – Belgian Golden ale. Dry hopped with Belma and Calypso.

  3. Tom Freund – American Pale ale. Dry hopped with homegrown and commercial Cascade.

  4. Lou Needleman –Warm-fermented Norwegian Farmstead Kveik.

  5. Jack Heim –Sierra Nevada Pale Ale clone.

  6. Paul Holder – Altbier with Saaz hop tea.

  7. Chris Ackman – Pale ale with Citra Cryo hops.

  8. Steve Cook – IPA with Citra, Mosaic and orange peel.

Beers 7 and 8 were tied after the first show of hands. In a one-on-one face off, Chris’s beer was declared the winner. Thanks to all the participants and congratulations Chris! Look for the resulting re-brew on tap at Lazy Beach. Owner Cory Mathews deemed this collaboration a success and wants to make this an annual event.

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