Nov 6, 2021
For the 18th year in a row, BASH members gathered to demonstrate the secrets of homebrewing to the general public. This year, 15 of our group met at Lazy Beach Brewpub to brew two recipes provided by the American Homebrewers Association.
Members Vic and Josie Aguilar and Jay Porterfield volunteered to brew a Dark Mild with an extract base. They began setting up at 11 AM for a noon start. Just before noon, member Jack Heim sped up and offered to rescue our reputation with some of his equipment to brew an all-grain version of an Irish Red. And so, we met our commitment. Since Jack wasn’t completely sure of the steps of an all-grain brew, member John Fulton stepped in to help along with advice from member Paul Holder.
While Vic/Josie/Jay moved forward in a professional manner throughout the day, Jack/John/Paul proceeded to make numerous mistakes, on purpose, to show how forgiving a brew can be. It was a grand time and day, and thanks go out to Cory at Lazy Beach for again hosting us and particularly to Sarah who provided us with anything we forgot or didn’t even know we needed. Her last-minute plastic spoons ensured the all-grain mash rested until full conversion
The demonstration beers will be fermented and then served at the January meeting. Hope to see you there where we will relive the excitement of the day.