The uneventful June, 2020 B.A.S.H. meeting was held on Sunday the 7th at the home of Tim Grace and Mary Kay Schultz.
Outgoing President Mike Wojdyla called the meeting to order and thanked our hosts. With one change, the proposed 2021 competition schedule was approved: 2/21 –Scottish ales (BJCP 14A-C), 4/21 – Extract Challenge (any style, >51% extract), 6/21 German wheat beer (BJCP 10A-C), 8/21 – Fruit beer (BJCP 29A-C), 10/21 – Porter (BJCP 20A, 13C, 27 Pre-Prohibition porter), 11/21 – Mead (BJCP M1-4). A proposed competition schedule for 2/2022 through 6/2023 was also presented: 2/22 – Irish stout (BJCP 15B), 4/22 – Low Gravity Challenge (<5% ABV Must Provide OG/FG), 6/22 -- Czech pale lager and premium pale lager (BJCP 3A,B), 8/22 -- Extract Challenge (any style, >51% extract), 10/22 – Weissbier (BJCP 10A), 11/22 – old ale, wee heavy ale (BJCP 17B,C), 2/23 – British bitter (BJCP 11A-C), 4/23 -- High Gravity Challenge > 10% ABV (must provide OG/FG), 6/23 – helles bock (BJCP 4C). We will vote on this schedule at the July meeting.
The following officers were approved for the 2021 fiscal year:
President – Jack Heim
Vice President for Competitions – Tim Grace (backed up by Lou Needleman)
Vice President for Social Events – Mary Kay Schultz (backed up by Paul Hicks)
Secretary – Wild Bill Lehfeld
Treasurer – Walt Crawford
Webmeister For Life – Chris Ackman
Stay tuned for details about upcoming socials – Thursday night July pool party at William Lee’s and August 8th bowling at Bowlero.
The competition this month was open to any beer style. The declared style for Homebrewer of the Year was blonde ale (BJCP 18A) and American pale ale (BJCP 18B). With three or more competitors, the winning beer receives three HBOY points (doubled if it is of the declared style), 2nd place receives two HBOY points (doubled if of the declared style) and third place receives one point (doubled if of the declared style). Judges scores for the six entries were as follows:
Mark Quade – Altbier (BJCP 7B) 38.0/50 – 3 HBOY points
John Fulton – Irish Red Ale (BJCP 15A) 37.7/50 – 2 HBOY points
Mike Wojdyla – American Amber Ale (BJCP 19A) 36.7/50 – 1 HBOY point
Wild Bill Lehfeld – (Ekuanot) American Pale Ale (BJCP 18B) 36.3/50 – 0 HBOY points
Wild Bill Lehfeld – (Cascade) American Pale Ale (BJCP 18B) 36.0/50 – 0 HBOY points
Wild Bill Lehfeld – (Mosaic) American Pale Ale (BJCP 18B) 34.9/50 – 0 HBOY points
Mark Quade’s Altbier thus advances to the upcoming Best Of Show round in July.
After 5 of 6 competitions in the 2020 - 2021 competition season, cumulative HBOY results are as follows:
Wild Bill Lehfeld – 13 HBOY points
Mark Quade – 11 HBOY points
Jeff Spirko – 5 HBOY points
John Fulton – 5 HBOY points
Mike Wojdyla – 1 HBOY point
William Lee – 0 HBOY points
Kevin Nelson – 0 HBOY points
Mark Woerner – 0 HBOY points
As we feasted on fish and sausage/brat bites we enjoyed a new homebrew from Jack Downey (weissbier), and interesting commercial beers from J.D. Busch (Ommegang Game Of Thrones My Watch Has Ended Imperial Brown Ale), James Fowler (Stone Neverending Haze IPA), Tim (Freetail Imbrewglio IPA/Kunstler Verklempt), Paul Hicks (Four Corners El Grito Lager/New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA) and Mary Kay (Lorelei Munich Dunkel/Community Hop Skinny Low Cal IPA).
Upcoming B.A.S.H. events: ?-Jul-20: Social (pool party at William Lee’s) 12-Jul-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate, hosted by Paul Holder, competition: High Gravity Challenge > 10% ABV (must provide OG/FG))
8-Aug-20: Social (bowling at Bowlero)
9-Aug-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (William Lee, competition: Extract Challenge, open category >51% extract)
13-Sept-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (Mark Woerner, brewing demonstration?)
11-Oct-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Festbier, BJCP 4B)
7-Nov-20: Iron Mash XVII?
8-Nov-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: winter seasonal beer, BJCP 30C)
13-Dec-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (Carroll Pate?, brewing demonstration?)
10-Jan-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (Tom Freund?, Iron Mash XVII judging)
14-Feb-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Scottish Ales, BJCP 14A-C).
14-Mar-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, brewing demonstration?)
11-Apr-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Extract Challenge, open category
>51% extract)
Thanks again Tim and Mary Kay, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you at B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate!