Tim Grace and Mary Kay Schultz hosted the March, 2019 B.A.S.H. on Sunday the 10th at their home in Corpus Christi. El Presidente Mike Wojdyla called the meeting to order, thanked our hosts and welcomed new member Jeff Spirko. Walt Crawford gave the club treasury report and reviewed the list of paid members. In old business, a motion was approved to remove Carroll Pate’s name from the club checks and add Wild Bill Lehfeld’s name. We also voted to move the April competition to May (see upcoming events below). AHA recipes for May’s Big Brew have not yet been released. Mike reminded us that we will vote in June for 2019-2020 officers.
In new business, we discussed the need to continuously promote Iron Mash. Aggie Bill Hughen and Mike gave a presentation on cleaning and sanitation. There was no competition this month.
In old business, the new competition format was implemented this month (see below).
As Tim and Mary Kay treated us to a shrimp boil, we enjoyed new homebrews from Paul Holder (Cubano) and new member Jeff (Strata-sphere American IPA). Among the commercial beers Southern Craft Hyla IPA (Tim), Karbach Hopadillo (Jack Heim), Independence Oklahoma Suks (Paul), McGuire’s Irish Red/Harpoon Dunkin Donuts Coffee Porter/Hisign Brewing Violet Blueberry Blonde (Aggie Bill).
As the evening wore on, the following ridiculous comments were overheard:
Jeff – “I’m not creative – I’m a scientist!”
Jeff – “Ok – I’m a beer slut!”
Upcoming B.A.S.H. events:
20-Mar-19: Education Event “Sour Beers” (CC Homebrew Supply. Note: 3rd Wednesday)
10-Apr-19: Education Event?
14-Apr-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (Lazy Beach Brewing Company, brewing demonstration)
4-May-19: Big Brew (B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate, multiple brewing demonstrations)
19-May-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (John Daniels, NOTE: 3RD SUNDAY, competition: American IPA, BJCP 21A/Specialty IPA, BJCP 21B)
9-Jun-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Low Gravity Challenge <5% ABV Must Provide OG/FG)
14-Jul-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate, hosted by Paul Holder)
11-Aug-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Extract Challenge, open category >51% extract)
8-Sep-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (Mark Woerner?, demonstration brew?)
13-Oct-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: märzen, BJCP 6A)
2-Nov-19: Iron Mash XVI (B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate, team brewing competition)
10-Nov-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: English barleywine (BJCP17D), American barleywine (BJCP22C))
8-Dec-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (Carroll Pate?, brewing demonstration?)
Thanks again Tim and Mary Kay, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you at CC Home brew Supply and Lazy Beach!