Jeff and Kelly Coe hosted the March, 2021 B.A.S.H. meeting on Sunday the 14th at their home in Portland.
El Presidente Jack Heim called the meeting to order, thanked our hosts and welcomed new members Jacob Dunson & Cindy Crye and Parker Brown & Heather Harrill. Treasurer Walt Crawford gave us another thumbs up. Mary Kay Schultz announced the March social at Aerodrome Distillery at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday the 20th. Diehards will have a pint beforehand at nearby Lorelei Brewing. We will conduct the AHA’s Big Brew on Saturday, May 1 at Nueces Brewing. A team led by J.D. Busch will brew the Janet’s Brown Ale and Tim Grace’s crew will brew the Star Gazer Double IPA. Paul Holder will supply the ingredients.
The competition this month was open to any beer style. The declared style for Homebrewer of the Year was Scottish Ale, BJCP category 14 A-C. With two competitors, the winning beer receives two HBOY points (doubled if it is of the declared style), 2nd place receives one HBOY point (doubled if of the declared style), third place and beyond receive no points. Four beers were entered. Judges results were as follows:
1. Chris Ackman – Scottish Export (BJCP 14C) 38.6/50 – 4 HBOY points
2. Wild Bill Lehfeld – “Fat Bastard” Scottish Export (BJCP 14C) 36.7/50 – 2 HBOY points
3. Wild Bill Lehfeld – “Loch Ness” Scottish Export (BJCP 14C) 33.3/50 – 0 HBOY points
4. Wild Bill Lehfeld – Scottish Heavy (BJCP 14B) 30.1/50 – 0 HBOY points
Chris’ Scottish Export thus advances to the upcoming Best Of Show round.
After 4 of 6 competitions in the 2021 competition season, cumulative HBOY results are as follows:
1. Wild Bill Lehfeld – 19 HBOY points
2. James Fowler – 8 HBOY points
3. Chris Ackman – 4 HBOY points
4. John Fulton – 2 HBOY points
5. Mark Quade – 2 HBOY points
6. William Lee – 2 HBOY points
7. Jack Downey/Phil Sims – 0 HBOY points
We then feasted on tacos, washed down with competition beers and new homebrews from Walt Crawford (double IPA/chocolate milk stout) and Paul Holder (dampfbier/coffee porter). Interesting commercial beers include Parker’s Martin House Space Pizza and Mary kay’s Strangeland Oktoberfest.
Upcoming B.A.S.H. events:
20-Mar-21: B.A.S.H. Social (Aerodrome Distillery, 3:00 p.m.)
11-Apr-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (Tim Grace/Mary Kay Schultz, competition: Extract Challenge, open category >51% extract
1-May-21: Big Brew (Nueces Brewing)
16-May-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (Jacob Dunson/Cindy Crye NOTE: 3rd SUNDAY)
13-Jun-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: German Wheat Beers, BJCP10A-C)
11-Jul-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (Paul Holder?)
8-Aug-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Fruit Beers, BJCP 29A-C)
Thanks again Jeff and Kelly, welcome Jacob, Cindy, Parker and Heather, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you at Aerodrome Distillery and at Tim and Mary Kay’s!